
Mad Max: Fury Road

Posted on 21.10.2023


Are you familiar with George Miller's Mad Max saga, including Mad Max: Fury Road starring Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy? - by Charlotte Pavard


Mad Max: Fury Road,
2015 © DR


1 - How many sketches were created for the storyboard of Mad Max: Fury Road?

A.    350
B.    3,500
C.    35,000

2 - Did Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy get on well with each other?

A.    Yes, relatively well
B.    No
C.    Famously, to the extent they ended up getting married

3 - The next instalment is planned, but what will it be about?

A.    Furiosa’s youth
B.    A cross between the story of the pig Babe and Furiosa
C.    Max, who has become a petrol station attendant

4 - Where was the movie filmed?

A.    In Namibia
B.    In the Broken Hill Desert in Australia
C.    Near Melbourne

5 - What was the budget for Mad Max (1979), which was the most profitable film in history for many years?

A.    50,000 US dollars
B.    100,000 US dollars
C.    150,000 US dollars

6 -  What make is Max’s car?

A.    A DeLorean
B.    A Pontiac
C.    A V8 Interceptor


ANSWER KEY: 1B; 2B after an argument over the actor's being late for filming,
Charlize Theron insisted on the permanent presence of a bodyguard; 3A; 4A; 5B; 6C




Mad Max: Fury Road by George Miller (2015, 2h)

UGC Confluence – Saturday, 21 October at 9.30pm




Categories: Lecture zen