
Wes Anderson

PostED ON OCTOBER 16, 2023


Filmmaker Wes Anderson is a guest of honour at this 15th edition of the film festival. How familiar are you with his work?


The Darjeeling Limited
, 1998 © DR


1 - In The Darjeeling Limited, the character of Peter buys...
A.    Ceylon tea
B.    Gauze for brother Francis
C.    A snake

2 - In The Grand Budapest Hotel who plays Madame D.?
A.    Tilda Swinton
B.    Tsilla Chelton
C.    Cate Blanchett

3 - In The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, what creature is devouring Esteban du Plantier, a member of the crew of the ship Belafonte?
A.    A white shark
B.    A jaguar shark
C.    Flipper the Dolphin

4 - What is the name of the oceanographer played by Bill Murray in The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou?
A.    Steve Cousteau
B.    Steve Zissou
C.    Steve Zinedine Zidane aka Zizou

5 - What French song do the young stars of Moonrise Kingdom listen to?
A.    Le Temps de l’amour sung by Françoise Hardy
B.    Le Temps des cathédrales by Bruno Pelletier
C.    Le Temps des cerises sung by Yves Montand

6 -  What does Arthur Howitzer Jr. (Bill Murray) in The French Dispatch forbid?

A.    Smoking
B.    Imitating Bill Murray
C.    Crying


ANSWER KEY: 1C - 2A - 3B - 4B - 5A - 6C



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