
Alejandro Jodorowsky in Lyon!

He has worked with artists such as the mime Marceau, Maurice Chevalier and Salvador Dali. Born in Chile, Jodorowsky has distinguished himself in many realms, from painting to the theatre to psychomagic... In addition to his extensive work as a graphic novel author (in tandem with illustrator Mœbius) of the fetish series The Incal, his films include some gems that have become cult successes: El topo, The Holy Mountain (50th anniversary!) and the amazing Santa sangre. 

On the agenda: an All-Nighter, a master class where he will discuss his book Voyage essential and a book signing.

Our thanks to Nour Films and Wild Bunch/Wild Side.


Master class
Meet with Alejandro Jodorowsky to discuss his book Voyage essentiel - Trilogie autobiographique
Saturday, October 19 at 4:15pm at Pathé Bellecour
With the support of LOGO CHANEL

BOOK: Voyage essentiel - Trilogie autobiographique by Alejandro Jodorowsky
(Nour Films, co-published with Sombraluz Films, 2024)



Alejandro Jodorowsky All-Nighter at the Institut Lumière

An all-nighter experience to fully  celebrate the magician of underground cinema with three gems: a western of mystical initiation, a psychedelic opus tinged with surrealism, and a hallucinatory trip towards immortality. Dive into Alejandro Jodorowsky's tormented, libertine universe, in his presence.

El topo by Alejandro Jodorowsky (1970, 2h05, Prohib. ages -12)
El Topo travels through the desert on horseback with his son. They arrive in a town where a massacre has left a trail of corpses... A violent and mystical western, full of references. A veritable spiritual journey whose psychedelic delirium defies all conformism.
Institut Lumière (Hangar) Fri 18 10:30pm 1st  film - AJ all-nighter

The Holy Mountain by Alejandro Jodorowsky (La montaña sagrada, 1973, 1h55, Prohib. ages -12)
A thief with a Christ-like appearance is taken on as a disciple by an alchemist who is making a pilgrimage with seven others to The Holy Mountain... A film of Dante-like overtones, surrealist elements and arresting visuals, defying all convention.
Institut Lumière (Hangar) Fri 18 10:30pm 2nd film - AJ all-nighter
Autres projections : Pathé Bellecour Sat 19 8:15pm | UGC Confluence Sun 20 11:15am

Santa sangre by Alejandro Jodorowsky (1989, 2h03, Prohib. ages -16)
After a family tragedy, Fenix, a mime in a Mexico City circus, is confined to a psychiatric hospital. Eight years later, he is reunited with his mother... A film that provokes both fear and emotion in a torturous universe where the rules no longer exist.
Institut Lumière (Hangar) Fri 18 10:30pm 3nd film - AJ all-nighter


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