
Fred Zinnemann, From Here to Eternity

Zinnemann is hardly a household name, and yet... The winner of six Oscars, he gave actors Montgomery Clift , Meryl Streep or Marlon Brando (who starred in the sublime motion picture The Men) their first roles on the silver screen.

Born into the Viennese bourgeoisie at the turn of the century, Zinnemann started out as an assistant cameraman in 1930s Germany, participating in People on Sunday (Menschen am Sonntag, 1930) alongside Robert Siodmak, Edgar G. Ulmer and Billy Wilder. In  the triumphant years of 1952 and 1953, he enjoyed towering success with High Noon, directing Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly, and the epic From Here to Eternity, starring one of the most illustrious casts of the day: Burt Lancaster, Deborah Kerr, Montgomery Clift and Frank Sinatra. After several more personal films, he encountered major acclaim once more in 1966 with A Man for All Seasons, an evocation of the life of Sir Thomas More, which earned him another Academy Award. In 1977, Zinnemann went on to direct Jane Fonda (laureate of the 2018 Lumière Award) and Vanessa Redgrave in the historical saga Julia. For his final film, in 1982, he directed Sean Connery in Five Days One Summer alongside Lambert Wilson.

Fred Zinnemann’s name will forever be associated with the great history of classic American movies, of which he was one of its finest masters. It is a pleasure to revisit the œuvre of this humanist filmmaker. The retrospective will feature the presence of Lambert Wilson, who worked with Fred Zinnemann on two occasions: a first role in Julia, then in Five Days One Summer, the director’s last film. 

Our thanks to Carlotta Films, Cineteca di Bologna, Paramount Pictures USA, Park Circus, Sony Pictures USA, Tamasa, The Film Foundation’s World Cinema Project, Universal Pictures USA, Warner Bros.


  • Find a dedicated feature on Fred Zinnemann, including an exclusive interview, in the October issue of Positif.
  • Starting from October 23, following the Lumière festival, several films from the retrospective (Act of Violence, The Men, High Noon, From Here to Eternity, The Nun’s Story, A Man for All Seasons, People on Sunday) will be screened in regional theaters, in partnership with ADRC.



People on Sunday by Robert Siodmak and Edgar George Ulmer (Menschen am Sonntag, 1930, 1h13)
Four young people spend the day at the lake, swimming, sunbathing and flirting. As they leave in the evening, they are already looking forward to the following Sunday... A film that touches on truth, with fleeting, moving shots and short-lived happiness.
CC Institut Lumière (Hangar) Wed 16 9:15am

Redes by Fred Zinnemann and Emilio Gómez Muriel (1936, 1h05)
His child is ill and yet Miro is denied an advance on the sale of his fish. When the child dies, the fishermen rise up in revolt... A work about social justice and collective struggle, a true homage to the cinema of Eisenstein.
Pathé Bellecour Tue 15 4:45pm | Institut Lumière (Hangar) Thu 17 01:45pm

Acte de violence by Fred Zinnemann (1948, 1h22)
After returning from WWII with a disability, Joe Parkson holds Frank Enley responsible. The violent reunion uncovers a serious betrayal... The powerful script blends veteran trauma and film noir.
Lumière Terreaux Sun 13 6:45pm | Institut Lumière (Hangar) Mon 14 8pm | Institut Lumière (Villa) Tue 15 9:30pm | Institut Lumière (Villa) Tue 15 9:45pm | Pathé Bellecour Thu 17 5:15pm

The Men by Fred Zinnemann (1950, 1h25)
Lieutenant Ken Wilocek returns wounded from the front lines and finds himself in a military hospital. He refuses to see his fiancée Ellen, convinced that she now feels nothing but pity for him... Marlon Brando's first role on the silver screen!
Institut Lumière (Hangar) Sat 12 10:45am | UGC Confluence Tue 15 2pm | Pathé Bellecour Wed 16 7:15pm | Lumière Terreaux Thu 17 7:15pm

High Noon by Fred Zinnemann (High Noon, 1952, 1h25)
Frank Miller, a criminal sentenced to death five years earlier, returns to Hadleyville to avenge himself. The sheriff tries to unite the citizens to defend the town... Fred Zinnemann's legendary western, shot almost in real time, starring Gary Cooper and Grace Kelly.
Pathé Bellecour Mon 14 2:30pm | Cinéma St-Denis Tue 15 8:30pm | Institut Lumière (Hangar) Thu 17 3:30pm | UGC Confluence Fri 18 11:15am | Comœdia Sun 20 5pm

The Member of the Wedding by Fred Zinnemann (1952, 1h33)
Frankie (Julie Harris), age 12, is a real tomboy who has to deal with the departure of her older brother, who is getting married and leaving home... A moving story of a child who feels like a prisoner in her own environment.
Lumière Terreaux Tue 15 6:45pm | UGC Astoria Thu 17 2:30pm | Institut Lumière (Villa) Fri 18 9:15am| Institut Lumière (Villa) Fri 18 9:30am

From Here to Eternity by Fred Zinnemann (1953, 1h58)
Private Prewitt is asked to get back in the boxing ring. But he refuses to put on the gloves again after blinding a man, and is soon subjected to constant punishment... This committed movie starring the excellent Montgomery Clift was crowned with eight Academy Awards, including Best Picture.
UGC Confluence Sun 13 8:45pm | Comœdia Wed 16 2:30pm | Pathé Bellecour Fri 18 2pm | Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon Sat 19 6:15pm | UGC Astoria Sun 20 2pm

The Nun’s Story by Fred Zinnemann (1959, 2h29)
Gabrielle Van der Mal enters a convent and embarks on an apprenticeship as a nun. As Sister Luke, she tries to comply with her vows, setting her personality aside... Audrey Hepburn gives a remarkable performance in this work full of authenticity.
Institut Lumière (Villa) Sat 12 4:15pm | Institut Lumière (Villa) Sat 12 4:30pm | Lumière Bellecour Thu 17 8pm | Comœdia Fri 18 1:45pm | Pathé Bellecour Sun 20 1:45pm

Behold a Pale Horse by Fred Zinnemann (1964, 1h58)
A former Spanish bandit lives in exile in France. He is trying to find his mother, who is dying in Spain. But a policeman is actively hunting him down... A story of honour and conviction starring Gregory Peck, Anthony Quinn and Omar Sharif, with music by Maurice Jarre.
UGC Astoria Mon 14 5:30pm | Institut Lumière (Villa) Wed 16 9:30pm | Pathé Bellecour Thu 17 10:45am | UGC Confluence Sat 19 10:45am

A Man for All Seasons by Fred Zinnemann (1966, 2h)
In 1529, King Henry VIII wishes to divorce Catherine of Aragon in order to marry his mistress. Thomas More, the Chancellor, opposes this new union, to his great peril... A major role for Paul Scofield, a remarkable Shakespearean actor.
Pathé Bellecour Sun 13 2pm | UGC Confluence Mon 14 2pm | UGC Astoria Wed 16 11am

The Day of the Jackal  by Fred Zinnemann (1973, 2h23)
In 1963, the OAS (Secret Army Organisation, a dissident far-right group) was decimated and its leaders took over, determined to bring down General de Gaulle with the help of a professional killer: the Jackal... A political thriller with a breathless plot that keeps you on the edge of your seat.
Institut Lumière (Villa) Tue 15 10:45am | Institut Lumière (Villa) Tue 15 11am| UGC Confluence Thu 17 10:45am | Pathé Bellecour Fri 18 4:45pm | Comœdia Sat 19 8pm2

Julia by Fred Zinnemann (1977, 1h58)
Lillian Hellman leaves for Vienna to find her childhood friend Julia. Julia, an opponent of Nazism, had disappeared shortly before WWII... An ode to friendship starring Jane Fonda and Vanessa Redgrave.
Pathé Bellecour Sun 13 10:45am | Comœdia Mon 14 1:45pm | UGC Astoria Fri 18 5:15pm | Institut Lumière (Villa) Sat 19 5pm | Institut Lumière (Villa) Sat 19 5:15pm

Five Days One Summer en VOI (version originale non sous-titrée) by Fred Zinnemann (1982, 1h49)
Douglas Meredith (Sean Connery) has a secret liaison with Kate (Betsy Brantley). When their guide (Lambert Wilson) arrives to serve as their guide in the Alps, the balance slides even further off-kilter... A gripping quest for the uncomfortable truth, it was the director's final film.
Lumière Bellecour Sun 13 6pm | Institut Lumière (Villa) Mon 14 11:15am



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